星期一, 10月 25, 2004


在 早一輩的本地文化人之中馬國明可以算是較被忽略的一位。他出身中大歷史系,曾以郭月睛等筆名於《文化新潮》等刊物發表文化/政治評論。他的主要著作有﹕ 《從自由主義到社會主義》(八三)、《班雅明》(九八)與本文評述的《路邊政治經濟學》。熟悉二樓書店文化的大概都知道,馬國明同時也是灣仔青文書店的創 辦人之一,而他近年則放手店務,把精力集中在專售英文學術書籍的曙光書店。過去,馬老闆給我的印象主要是一個編書人與出版者,他的文章反而讀得極少。當 年,我就是透過他所編彙與出版的亞爾杜塞(Althusser)文集與論述福柯思想的專書(邵國華著),初窺西方當代前緣社會/文化思想的堂奧。近日讀他 的新作《路邊政治經濟學》,卻「驚覺」他的作品是遺落人間的「龍珠」。


「龍 珠」是馬國明用來形容當代德國思想家班雅明(Walter Benjamin)的意象,我以為﹕「以彼之道,還施彼身」,同樣適合。班雅明遺下的龍珠,由後人完成其搜尋工作,馬國明過往散落在報刊的,則由他自己搜 集成書,儘管他們的心願都是讓龍珠盡數飛上天,「成為一顆顆夜間亮閃閃的星星,人們只需抬頭就能看見」。雖然馬國明的野心比不上他所熟悉的班雅明,作品亦 未至於「有如黑暗中的明燈,照亮了整個地域」,但他的作品仍不時閃亮動人的光采,在明輿滅間,同樣照亮了不同的精神地域﹕


「如他朝有日,小販的歷史走進香港史的冊籍裏,功勞只能歸於福柯。當局取締小販的策略恰好是福柯所分析的微型政治。在一個號稱奉行自由市場社會裏,對小販進行登記與發 牌的措施卻沒有受到輿論的譴責。」(同上)

馬 國明討論的都是一些人們熟悉的題材,如金庸武俠小說、韋伯的資本主義精神論述、公民社會、懷舊文化、商品文化的大眾化技術等等,他的觀點熠熠閃亮之餘又絕 非標奇立異。馬國明是班雅明思想的專家,中國學者張旭東認為在班雅明身上「融合了一個馬克思和一個『現代詩人』的傾向……這一切在他的理論蘊含極為豐富的 敘事性的議論中結合起來﹔在具體的真的廣泛呈露中,思考和詩不分彼此地、自在地貫通為一了」,而在馬國明的身上,我們亦可以找到類似的傾向﹕



馬 國明往往透過這種「不同文化場的文本並置」(textual jutaposition of different cultural fields) 所造成的「張力」(也是詩的部分張力所在),讓被埋藏起來的社會弱勢社群(例如小販)的「意象」本身自「過去的廢墟」(ruin of the past)中辯證地自我運動起來,在有限的文本空間裏,被喚醒,升起,發聲,並把閱讀經驗轉化為「震驚」的體驗。讓個體從集體性的機械反應(遺忘)中擺脫 出來。班雅明說「每一份文明的記載同時也是野蠻的記載」,馬國明在《路邊政治經濟學》中所描述的,資本主義現代化對舊社區的瓦解,城市規劃對小販等弱勢社 群的取締,正是文明背後的野蠻歷史的銘刻。遺忘是再次的謀殺,馬國明的書寫是有關「被遺忘」的書寫。

「震驚」是班雅明眼中的波德萊爾 (Charles Baudelaire)詩歌的核心形象,也是後者的「寓言式的書寫」(allegorical writing)的一個重要的面向﹕若果不嫌粗鬆,我認為我們也可以視《路邊政治經濟學》為一部「寓言式的書寫」或有關「寓言」的著作。這裏所指的「寓 言」(馬國明則譯為「隱寓」) 取自班雅明在《德國悲劇的起源》中的有關定義,用馬國明自己的話說,那就是﹕「象徵和隱寓的分別在於前者的意義是清晰自明的,象徵和它所代表的事物之間的 關係是完美和諧(的)……隱寓卻只是隱寓的作者自己替事物加上意義,中間的關係並不清晰,亦不穩定」(頁四十七)。


故 然,從前引的「小販寓言」(<街頭掠影>),馬國明的「寓言式書寫」的特點,已可見一斑﹔就是從他論述金庸武俠小說的文章(<金庸與金>),我們也可以看到他對「寓言」的關懷,他便曾開宗明義說過﹕「在金庸的武俠世界裏,武功並非一種象徵,而是一種隱寓」,而他則就此間種種的寓 意,解讀出港人的種種文化/民族身份認同的危機與啟示!

準此,馬國明在<為什麼讀《新教倫理與資本主義精神》>一文中,對一些 學者援引韋伯有關新教倫理與資本主義精神關係來解釋資本主義的「東亞模式」為何得以確立與發展,所作的意識形態批評,我們亦不妨理解為一種針對「寓言」的 破譯與批評,亞爾杜塞不是說過﹕「意識形態是個人同他的存在的現實環境的想像性關係的表現」?換句話說,意識形態也是一種集體的寓言 —— 一種遺忘的寓言。

當然,在《路邊政治經濟學》中,最精采的寓言可算是有關「文人」(homme de lettres)的寓言。誠如羅貴祥所言,馬國明在《路邊政治經濟學》中確有「拯救」的企圖:「要終止強者對弱者的迫壓,馬國明說要把過去視為一個有待發 掘的廢墟……」,但小販等弱者僅僅是作者描述與拯救的對象?而作者僅僅是君臨一切的超然救世者嗎?正如班雅明對波德萊爾所體現的現代社會邊緣人的形象「游 手好閑者」(flaneur)(也是「文人」的形象)所產生的不僅是同情,也是共鳴﹔從馬國明對小販等弱者的社會邊緣位置的描述,我們也看到前者對後者的 共鳴。


在<金庸與金融> 中,馬國明已多多少少暗示了「文人」在現代社會的處境﹕「有時,金錢有如一個法力無邊的巫師,有時卻是泥菩薩過江,自身難保。……作為一個作家,金庸的生 存本質和金錢的處境是否有點雷同?」(頁四十二)。在<街頭掠影>中,我們隨著「游蕩的幽靈」似的敘事者(形象與「游手好閑者」同出一轍) 逡巡灣仔舊區的大小街巷,最後飄至的卻是「青文」與「曙光」所在的巴路士街:「即使是文化人時常掛在口邊的咖啡室/書店組合亦可在巴路士街上找到。……只 要把眼界降低一點,巴路士街的咖啡店足以媲美聞名中外的巴黎咖啡室。這裏亦不乏一些消磨兩、三小時的常客,他們也一樣是投入地討論共同關心的話題 —— 即將舉行的賽馬」(頁三十八)。

在苦澀的語氣中,我們看到正在消失的舊區與文人的處境,混而為一。但更重要的是,「一隅之隔,巴路土街的混 亂和茂籮街的整齊卻成了強烈的對比。在茂籮街上,下一課已開始了。井然的秩序歸功於兩、三年前才落成的英皇中心」(頁三十七)。下一課已開始了,都市化與 現代化對社會邊緣分子的整肅,已是勢不可擋的命運!




Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hot News From The Automotive Lending Industry!!

+++++++++Current Profile+++++++++
InterFinancial Holdings, Corp (IFLH)
Current Price $0.036

Is this an undiscovered gem priced to go higher!!
Please read the following Announcement in its Entirety and Consider the Possibilities�
Watch this One to Trade!

IFLH announces Senator David Cain has joined its Board of Directors!!

IFLH volume trading is beginning to surge with landslide Announcement. The value of this
stock appears poised for growth! This one should not remain on the ground floor for long.

InterFinancial Holdings, Corp. (OTC Pink Sheets: IFLH - News) announced that they have added
David Cain to their board of directors. David Cain is currently the Chairman of the advisory
board to TTI (Texas Transportation Institute). Senator Cain represented Senate District 2 for
eight years in the Texas Senate and Chaired the Senate State Affairs Subcommittee on
Transportation and served nine terms in the Texas House of Representatives for District 107.

During his twelve years as Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation, Senator Cain�s
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Monthly Magazine�s list of Ten Best Legislators, the Dallas Morning News said he was one of
the outstanding legislators of the 73rd session, and the Texas Department of Transportation
awarded him the Russell H. Perry Award in 1995 for his efforts to gain public awareness of
the need for and benefits of transportation facilities in the State of Texas.

Jeffrey C. Bruteyn, Managing Director, stated, We at InterFinancial are proud to have such a
widely recognized Senator join our board and oversee out automotive lending division. His
affiliations and connections to the automotive industry will be invaluable to our company.
Senator Cain will be instrumental in expediting our approval to use a government issued Seller
Finance License.

Seller Finance Licenses are very difficult to obtain and are usually reserved for the Big Boys
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to collect the entire down payment, instead of paying a portion of it to the taxing authority.
This dramatically helps a finance company�s bottom line if the buyer defaults on the loan.

With the new GPS tracking systems being installed on every car to dramatically improve
repossessions and with Senator Cain on the Board of Directors, InterFinancial Holdings
is ready to take their business to the next level.


The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little known Companies
That Explode onto Investor�s Radar Screens. This stock will not be a Secret for long.
Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right Now! And Please Watch This One Trade!!

All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own,
take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. Any statements that express or
involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans,
projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of
historical fact and may be "forward looking statements." Forward looking statements are based
on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a
number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially
from those presently anticipated. This newsletter was paid four thousand dollars from a party
(IR Marketing). Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of
words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects". in compliance with Section 17(.b), we disclose
the holding of IF LH shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent
conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation
of these shares. Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made
regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in
our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance
on forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving
various risks and uncertainties that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth
in the forward- looking statements. This is not solicitation to buy or sell stocks, this text is
for informational purpose only and you should seek professional advice from registered financial
advisor before you do anything related with buying or selling stocks, penny stocks are very high
risk and you can lose your entire investment.

12:40 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

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Thanks very much,

Graphic Deisgner
Zoe Cheung
Meaningful Melbourne Magazine
by Asian Multimedia
Suite 904, 231 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Tel: 96636631
Fax: 96638188

9:50 上午  


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